Modular OT

We have fully functioning Operation Theater at VEDANK, in addition to this construction of Modular OT complex will be completed next months.

The salient feature of our Modular OT will be as follows:

  1. A constant flow of extremely clean ‘bacteria-free’ air is reticulated below positive pressure into the working field and air pollutants produced during surgery are removed from the site.
  2. Operation Theater with anti-bacterial paint has minimum durability of 15 years.
  3. Easy to pure steam cleaned, electro-metric (ideal for high humidity areas)
  4. Seamless.
  5. Vapor permeability (allows substrate moisture to escape) protects against growth of mould, bacteria and yeasts.
  6. Thaw resistance / freeze, moisture resistance.

We are committed to continuously improve the medication use process ensuring patient safety and positive health related outcomes, with patients and their families.